On Monday, May 22, I fulfilled my lifelong dream of graduating law school. This week I completed a big step towards the ultimate goal of becoming an attorney (the following major step is the Bar Exam).
The saying is true: “the first year: they scare you to death, the second year: they work you to death and the third year: they bore you to death.”
The first year was terrifying. Cold calling, one exam for the whole semester, bell curve, and COVID. It was scary for more than one reason, but I got the hang of it. Living at home, having good friends nearby and a built-in support system definitely helped throughout all three years, but especially the first year when I was adjusting to a new school. There was an adjustment, but thankfully it wasn’t too difficult, all thanks to my alma matter, Wake “Work” Forest. Wake really prepared me well to continue to work hard.
The second year, I was worked to death. I have never been more stressed in my entire life. There was so much work I didn’t know how to do it all. I felt up to my ears in reading and writing. I was externing, writing my student note for my journal, editing footnotes for other articles and I was a TA. The fall of my second year was all about survival mode. Thinking back on that semester makes me sad. I have never been so miserable in my entire life. But when spring came around, the work lessened.
The last year, I was partially bored, and extremely stressed. To be honest, the last year of law school seems like a bit of a waste. Most of the required classes you need to graduate have been completed by your last year. So, my fall semester I took FUN and easy classes. I took a social media law class, entertainment law and mediation. I will be sharing a post in the coming weeks listing out all the classes I took in detail, like I did for Wake, HERE. This semester was my best semester academically. And then the spring semester started off fine, got extremely stressful with lots of tears and anxiety over finding a job, and then the stress subsided after I accepted a position!
As Sarah Jessica Parker would say, “and just like that,” it was over.
It was three hard, both mentally and emotionally, years but at the same time highly rewarding. The academics were rigorous, but I learned so much. I have never felt smarter than I do now. I also learned so much about myself.
While I was in the thick of it, I would say I would not recommend law school to anyone. And to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend it to “anyone.” I would only recommend it to a very select group of people that have the grit, determination, drive and perseverance to join the J.D. club.
I would do it again if I had to, but I am so glad I don’t! As my mom used to remind me, it is a means to an end. If you want to be an attorney, this is what you must do.
And after three years we celebrated!
My parents threw a backyard party for me on Sunday and then on Monday, I graduated from Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.
I was awarded Gold Distinction in Public Service for more than 750 hours of pro bono work.
Our elected graduation speaker was Professor Sample, one of my favorites. The Honorable Letitia James, Attorney General of New York was our commencement speaker.
I shed some tears as the President of the school conferred upon my class our degrees and when she said, “you are now entitled to all the rights, privileges and opportunities afforded to you by your degree.” It hit me! That was it! I was officially a law school graduate. Law school was over.
I also teared up as the Dean of the law school asked us to stand and face our parents, family and friends to say “thank you” for all their support over the past three years and all the years before.
And then it was time for our five seconds of fame. My favorite professor, who I TAed for hugged me and hooded me when my name was horribly butchered. I crossed the stage, was handed my diploma and waved to my family and friends.
You can watch the full ceremony here!
It is with great pride and honor that I share that I am now Elizabeth Mary Guariglia, J.D. My lifelong dream of graduating law school is complete. Thank you to all my family, friends, professors, mentors and the T&P Fam for their love and support throughout all my years of academia but especially these last three!
Next stop: Bar Exam!

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