I started my first ever legal position on June 1st for a non-profit in New York City that connects attorneys with non-profits to help them with their legal needs.
This is my first real office job and I really like the work.
I have been communicating with clients and attorneys. I have met some really nice people.
I have also been working on research projects and writing memos about my findings. I so far have researched trademarks on the internet and incorporating a non-profit in Delaware.
I love the work I am doing. I also love that attorneys from big firms want to help small non-profits in New York. I also know now how important it can be to provide free legal services to nonprofits who are trying to make a difference in New York City. It makes my heart so happy. I really enjoy helping people.

My position is very collaborative. I am always messaging my boss and the other interns and asking questions. I am also always meeting with my other co-workers to discuss assignments and new projects.
My first couple of days I was really nervous to call clients and attorneys, but I have become more confident over the past weeks. Sometimes, you just have to fake it to you make it. But also, don’t be afraid to ask questions and be wrong.
I am lucky that my boss and my co-workers are all so generous with their time. I feel very fortunate that they are patient with me as well. I only finished my first year of law school, so I have lots more to learn.
In these few short weeks, I have learned so much. I love that I can take the (little, minuscule in the grand scheme of the world) legal knowledge that I have and apply it. I also love learning about new topics like incorporating non-profits and trademark issues. I have also seen how much legal work is required for non-profits to function. It is fascinating. I had no idea.
I also have so much still to learn. I am really enjoying the learning experience.
I am currently working from home, as NYC begins to reopen all their offices. Honestly, I’m not mad about it. I can sleep a bit more because I don’t have to commute. I also get more free time. Working from home would probably get pretty old after a while for me, but for the summer I like it! It’s also nice that because it is summer vacation, I get to close my computer at the end of the day and be done with work. I am always planning fun adventures and activities every week- head to my Instagram stories to see what I am up to!
I am excited to see what else I can learn and do this summer at my internship.
Stay tuned.
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