Friday, May 10, 2024

Five Friday Favorites | 74 | Crime Podcast, TRIBECA Shoe Repair, Best Work Dresses, New Movie & More

five friday favorites, five fri favs, five friday favs, crime podcast, office outfit, office style, tribeca shoe repair, gal meets glam, work dress, netflix movie, tribeca deli

1.          Media Pressure- I love crime podcasts. This one is produced and narrated by Maura Murray’s sister, Julia, and explains how Maura’s case is still very open and ongoing despite her sister’s disappearance in February 2004. I highly recommend a listen. 

2.          Jacob’s Shoe Repair- I have found my new favorite spot for shoe shines and fixes! Ari is incredible! He made three pairs of my boots (one pair was purchased in the 1970s by my mom and the others are from when I was in high school) look brand new! He’s down in Tribeca.

3.          Gal Meets Glam dresses- My favorite work dresses are from Gal Meets Glam. Sadly, the brand no longer exists, but you can find so many pieces on Poshmark and eBay. The dresses are so elegant and girly, and make me feel like a queen. 

4.          New deli in the Woolworth Building- A new deli opened up by my office and it is SO good. I got a giant chicken pesto panini for $11. Everything tasted really fresh. It is on Broadway inside the Woolworth Building.

5.          Anyone But You on Netflix- This modern day Much Ado About Nothing is a bit cheesy, but fun. Glenn Powell’s character had quite a few funny lines. The scenery is gorgeous too.


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