Friday, January 5, 2024

Five Friday Favorites | 63 | Chocolate Chip Cookies, Jonas Brothers, Kappa Delta Alumnae Group, Wine Bar & More

five friday favs, chocolate chip cookies, chip city, jonas brothers concert, kappa delta sorority, kappa delta alumni, wine bar, nyc wine bar, focus setting on iPhone

 1.          Chip City- The debate in my boyfriend’s apartment with his roommates and our friends is which chocolate chip cookie is better: Chip City or Levain. They just opened a new Chip City location by the boy’s apartment so we went and did a taste test. Personally, I think Levain is gooier. But others prefer a cookie that is a bit more stiff, like Chip City. Both are great! Depends on what you like. 

2.          Jonas Brothers concert- This was my third Jonas Brothers concert. I totally forgot it was my third one. The concert was at the Barclays Center. I had never been to that location before. It was really fun. The Joe Bros are always my favs. This was their last concert of 2023. They played songs from all 5 albums. To be honest, they played a lot of obscure songs, that I didn’t know, and clearly made me look like a fake fan, despite my t-shirt with their faces on it… oops. The concert was also really long. The boys went on around 8:15 and the show ended after 11. I was surprised by how long it was. There were two guest appearances, one being Jack Black. As for my homework, I need to go listen to their original songs, so when they go back for their 20-year (!!!) reunion tour in 2025, I will know every single word. 

3.          Kappa Delta NYC alumnae group- I had the best sorority experience in college and I love my KD gals, and they love T&P! I recently went to my first KD alumni chapter event in Manhattan after work. It was incredible talking to sorority sisters from other chapters and hearing about their college and sorority experiences and how similar they were to mine. I met a really great group of girls and I’m really excited to have some new friends in the city. I’ve been to two events so far. It’s so hard making friends as an adult who is working full time, so I highly recommend joining an alumni group from your college, sorority or another group you were involved in in college or high school to find like-minded individuals with similar values. 

4.          Pierre Loti wine bar- This is such a cute spot for happy hour with girlfriends or for a date. I went on a Monday night and it was hopping!

5.          Focus setting on iPhone - I choose to only get notifications when focus is on from text messages, everything else like Instagram, TikTok, email, etc. is silenced. It helps me focus so much more and get my work done more efficiently. 


1 comment

  1. Chocolate chip treats are irresistible! Your Friday favorites never disappoint. As I indulge in these sweet reads, I'm reminded of the importance of precision and creativity—much like the expertise provided by top-notch assignment writing help .


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