Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Horseback Riding at Willow Creek Horseback Rides in Wyoming

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Last week my family and I went to Jackson, Wyoming. This post is all about our horseback riding adventure. Click HERE to read about where we stayed, where we ate and what I wore.

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Horseback Riding at Willow Creek Horseback Rides in Wyoming, jackson hole wyoming, jackson wyoming, horseback riding, ranch, grand teton national forest

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From our hotel we took a car service to Willow Creek Horseback Rides. It was about a 30-minute car ride. My mom found that this was the closest ranch for horseback riding to Jackson.

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Jackson hole travel guide, jackson travel guide, horseback riding, jackson hole horseback riding

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My horse was named Spur. He was a pleasure to ride.

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horseback riding in jackson wyoming, grand teton national forest, jackson hole wyoming, jackson wyoming travel guide

Our ride started at 7:30 am. We met the ranch hands (even a real cowboy), met our horses, had a little lesson on horseback riding western style and then rode through Grand Teton National Forest. It was about an hour to a lookout point where we had breakfast, which we carried via horseback, and an hour back. 

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grand teton national forest, horseback riding in jackson wyoming
It was a beautiful ride. It was great for beginners, like us! It was just my mom, Peter and I with our guide. She was a delight. She was so personable and funny. We joked and laughed the whole ride there and back. We didn't see any wildlife on our ride, but we did see a coyote while in the car ride back.

willow creek horseback rides, horseback riding, wyoming horseback riding, jackson hole travel guide


I highly recommend Willow Creek Horseback Rides. We had the best time!


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